Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mules just want to have fun

I did ground work with Cissie and Ruby this morning. I took Ruby out first after giving her a good brushing and she was pushy and obviously did not want to be there. I made her trot and canter and go over obstacles till she settled down. Then I headed back to the barn to get Cissie, leaving Ruby in the arena. As I got back to it I noticed that the dogs were barking in their yard and saw that Ruby was all dirty and bucking and snorting. She kept pawing and rolling and snorting as if to say, "I don't want to be clean and I don't want to be a good Molly mule, I just want to have fun".

I took Cissie on in to the arena and worked her and she was a very good girl. She picked right up on something I'd try to get her to do a while back and did great. I was getting her to move away from me and turn on her hind quarters by just using hand signals. It is funny how she goes over this one obstacle that has a shiny piece of wall board with a 4X4 on each side. It is about the size of a trailer stall. She used to be spooky every time I took her to it but now, she walks "into" it, stops and backs out without a bobble. I'm very pleased with her.

Hope it is dry enough to ride this weekend. I will probably have company on Sat but maybe Sun I can get back out on the trail.

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