Monday, March 15, 2010

Cissie’s Sunday Ride

I rode Cissie again yesterday and she was a little spooky and worried because her buddies were out of site. We stayed in the arena and just worked on basics and some obstacles. She is convinced there is something on the South end of the arena that will eat her. I have put up feed sacks in various places around the arena just to give her new things to get used to. The only ones that bother her are on the South end. And there is some equipment and a metal building outside the fence on that end. We'll just keep working on it. I will keep adding things and changing obstacles around so it's not always the same.
I need to make plans to take her to the vet for her Coggins test and to get his opinion on what she is able to do now. That's the big question I need to get an answer to. Meanwhile, we work on basics and the things we learned going to the trainer before her injury.
This morning I took her out on the South side of the barn out of the wind and did some ground work with her. I work on backing her over and around things and between trees. I like to get these little sessions in when I can. I think it reminds her that she needs to listen to me. And I enjoy it.