Sunday, February 28, 2010

Trail Work at LBJ Grasslands

Yesterday was great. I headed up to the LBJ Grasslands to meet Liz and Mary and do some work on the trails. They've had quite a lot of damage from the recent snow that caused a lot of downed limbs on the trails. When I arrived, Liz and Mary were already there and I unloaded Ruby and got her saddled, got my folding saw and hand trimmer and was ready to go. Liz did not bring Rudy because he is still recovering from a swollen jaw and is on antibiotics. She brought Shelby instead. Mary was riding the beautiful Cimmy. I took a two mile ride out on the Blue trail while Liz lunged Shelby.

Mary and I then headed out on the Red trail and Liz decided that Shelby wasn't going to "play well with others" so she headed out on her own. Mary and I had a really nice ride and were able to trim a lot of briars off the trail and move some large limbs that had been downed. My saw worked great for cutting some of the errant limbs out of the way.

I was really pleased with how Ruby acted both in camp and on the trail. We had a couple of disagreements about whether or not she was going to leave her buddies but each time I was able to convince her to move off. There were a good many muddy areas, especially down through the creeks and she handled them very well. I dismounted and remounted quite a few times and she always stood still for me to mount, thankfully. And dragging the limbs around her didn't bother her either. The weather was beautiful, so different from most of the days we've had lately. I was surprised we didn't see more riders out on the trail. I will certainly be happy when spring finally gets here and we have many more days like Saturday.